Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Say hello.


Hi, it's me. The same person who blogs at . 
It's been ages since my last post which was on
 15 December 2011. Thumbs up! I guess blogging isn't the thing anymore. Not as popular as how it used to be. My friends' blogs that I have followed, last updated was 2 months ago and I  must say that she was a very dedicated blogger. The popularity of blogging just diminished like that. 

So where are the people? 

Needless to say the most famous online social networking Facebook, and of course, Twitter and Instagram.

I, myself are on that three. Not just me but also the people around me. They are like the summary of your life. And blogging? Too lengthy. Tsk tsk. 

Reason I'm on a new blog and why I'm back

Whatever that I have said doesn't quite make any sense why I am back to blogging. I have my reasons for sure, which is I have a lot of shits in mind that I would want to express through typing. Sometimes people just ain't the option for you to talk to. Sometimes you just want to be alone and you have no one to turn to but yourself to solve your own shit. 

And why didn't I continue blogging at my own blog? Simple. I have no idea why those pictures I uploaded are in errors or something. They are not appearing and it's so irritating! Urgh! So here I am, new blog for me to crap and rant.

Actually this blog is simply for myself to read. Have no intentions of telling the world at all. Why do I have all the introduction? Well, it's the procedure. When you have a new blog, or writing an essay, you always need to start with an introduction, isn't it?